yes. don't say it. i know it has been awhile. it's been a rather crazy mad second half of the year for all of us at OS. the crew has been going through thick and thin during the past year. all the crazy stuff that's been happening around us. OBSESSIONSYNDROME had quite roller coaster year with our editors and writers trying to get back our momentum after suffering from a rather mild recession. hahaha. but we got through.
many things we have gone through and despite the so so year we had at OS, it seems that TWO.OH.OH.NINE was quite an amplified year for the Malaysian EDM scene. DJs/Producers coming down to expose us to nu styles and music, and not to forget the amount of talents blooming from our own back yard.
as we mentioned many times before we have plans to make OBSESSIONSYNDROME a force to be reckoned with in the Malaysian scene. with that said, we hope our plans for OS next year will materialize and OS will become a major voice in this industry, locally, regionally and hopefully internationally. we are looking forward to OS in 2010 with great anticipation and excitement. and YOU SHOULD TOO. =P
last but not least, we would like to thank all youse that have been supporting us since we started, and we LOVE YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH for it. please continue your support with us and ask your friends to join the bandwagon. haha. but, seriously. do tell your friends about us. =)
finally, let us look forward to a great year ahead and have a...