presenting mr TOM PIPER!


this post has been long overdue. haha. i really owe mr TOM PIPER big time for this. ok ok. on with the freshness.

this chap has been around the Sydney club scene for quite awhile now. well he's been hittin' raves since he was 16; so u get the idea. what does he spin u ask? he doesn't believes in genres, so to put in simple terms, he spins pure FRESHNESS. ain't no mentos fresher than him babe. haha. as a producer, TOM PIPER is so diverse that he has pulled out massive collaborations with a lot of big names in the industry like Tommy Trash, Micky Slim, Snob Scrilla, Marvin Priest, Nom De Strip, Stupid Fresh, Nick Correlli (MYNC Project), Destroy Disco, Jono Fernandez, Daniel Farley. Alex Schmitz, Pablo Calamari, Wax Motif. Ryan Riback, Blaze Tripp and much much more. and to add to his credentials, the fella has received massive kudos from big acts like Steve Aoki, Kissy Sell OUt, Lee Mortimer, Malente, Rockid and Drop The Lime, just to name a few.

i had the chance to meet up with him last month back, when he playing at some random gig in KL. an awesomely friendly guy in person, but when he gets behind the decks, he will surely make you git yo ass of that chair and BOUNCE!

me and mr alel aka menteri fasola managed to capture a few vids of this maestro doing his thangs. the gig was apparently a student night called SyiokShock and was most probably organized by the youth publication called Malaysian Today. let's let the vids do the talkin then, shall we?

Mr Piper has also been ever so kind to provide OS with a few of his remixes for us to ponder and love. listen to them and BOUNCE YO ASS OFF!


so in the words of the awesome TOM PIPER...