Nu Ideas for EDM Music Malaysia!


Hey obsessioners!

It’s been almost two weeks since we last populated this blog. Most of us have been rather busy with our day jobs. Owh yeah, before I forget I’d like to wish all obsessioners a prosperous Chinese New Year! Out goes the rat, in comes the Ox.


I’ve have dedicated yet another week of brainstorming of ideas and suggestion on how we gonna make obsessionsyndrome to become the leading EDM related info-site in Malaysia. So far we’ve come up with event coverage, write ups on local and international acts, video interviews and media coverage. We do appreciate more ideas and suggestions from all youse out there and we do need your support to make this happen. So any of you would be kind enough to help us out with ideas and suggestion, or if you really really kind you could also lend us a helping hand with write-ups, interviews etc, please do drop us an email at

We really appreciate you help. Thanks!