beatport 4.0 is launched!

hey obsessioners + beatporters!

on the 21st January 2009, the Beatport 4.0 was launched. i saw the video presentation a few weeks ago. it excited the jeeblies out of me (what the hell is jeeblies? that's how excited i was). thus i anticipated with full enthusiasm until it finally launched. i mingled and fidgeted the awesome new web application with much gratittude and awe. as we malays like to call 'jakun'. lol.

if you haven't yet watched the video presso, all youse can watch it here. i suggest if you haven't gone into the main site, you watch the video first. just to create some suspense. hahaha.

Beatport 4.0 launches with a whole host of new features (the majority of which came from user requests), it 's set to redefine the way electronic music fans find and buy their music.

Beatport 4.0: Features List

New Player

  • New player offers 2-minute previews, with track scrubbing, volume control and a track queue.
  • Track history whilst browsing session.
  • Preview all the tracks in a release or a chart by clicking one button, with up to 200 tracks available to queue.
  • Scroll through playlist, edit in bulk and add selected tracks to crate while keeping them in the player.
  • Buy or delete all tracks in your player in one go.

Interface Upgrades

  • Docking functionality - both playlist and My Beatport can be docked on either side or on top of each other for easy viewing
  • Enlarged content filters that are vertically stacked for easy access.
  • Browser Back and Forward buttons now work, mouse scrolling too
  • Play all button to charts and homepage
  • Expand top downloads on homepage and genre page
  • Keyboard commands for playback and purchasing
  • Increased font size and color contrast for easy viewing
  • View All, Classics, New Releases and Just Added filters in the left hand navigation
  • DJ mixes easy to find - search by genre, label or artist.
  • Drop down list of content to filter mixes

More powerful My Beatport

  • Upgraded My Beatport user tool with features that allow you to manage favorites, have more subscribing power, and tag favorite artists and labels
  • All music with new release dots go to the top of My Beatport
  • Add as many labels and artists as you’d like
  • Go back to up to 8 weeks in the past to check for new releases
  • Add favorites from any artist or label page
  • From any release detail you can add favorites

New hold bin, improved check out and crate system

  • Hold bin feature allows you to save ‘maybe’ purchases for later.
  • New and improved crate.

Artwork, higher quality previews

  • Embedded artwork into mp3s
  • 96k quality previews

Links and RSS

  • Ability to link to every single page on Beatport
  • Use direct link to market your own and track your favorite releases

Bug fixes

  • Plus many bugs have been fixed.

References :,,